World Bowls Development Strategy 2015


On behalf of the Board of World Bowls I have pleasure in introducing our Development Strategy to you. It is aimed at strengthening the basic infrastructures of national authorities who are lacking expertise and resources to develop our sport effectively.

Better Understanding of Strengths and Weaknesses

We are very much aware of the problems and issues facing our sport. Since the formation of the current Board we have been gathering information to determine the best and most viable ways to support our sport and move it forward. The information provided by our global survey of national authorities, along with the intelligence gleaned by our Regional Directors, has given us a much clearer understanding of the strengths and weaknesses that exist within our sport worldwide.

Huge Gap between Countries

There is no doubt that a huge gap exists between countries with comprehensive and effective operational infrastructures and those that are clearly disadvantaged in that respect.

Focusing on Improving Weaker Infrastructures

The Board is therefore determined to try and stimulate significant improvement to key elements of the weaker bowling infrastructures across the globe. Its proposals on how to effect this improvement are set out in our accompanying Development Strategy and I commend the document to you. We believe it represents a set of positive and forward looking proposals where the specified actions and assistance can significantly improve vital elements of bowling infrastructures worldwide. Their implementation will give a very effective boost to the successful development of our sport.

Strong Unity of Purpose

We are also very aware that resources are too limited to achieve instant solutions. This has not however deterred World Bowls from initiating a measured and realistic approach to effect improvement where it is most needed. The Board of World Bowls has regained a strong unity of purpose and will not relinquish its responsibilities for both sustaining and growing its global community.

Support from Key Stakeholders

We fully acknowledge that the successful implementation of the Development Strategy will be greatly enhanced by securing the support of all the key stakeholders involved with our great sport – namely the larger Member National Authorities, manufacturers, and other related bodies. We look forward to working with all of these key interests as part of the core process of constructing effective assistance packages, which will be tailored to satisfy the individual needs of relevant national authorities.

Development Strategy – A Major Milestone

I believe the production of our Development Strategy represents a major milestone in the restoration of our World Bowls organisation as a proactive body, which is determined to effect growth and improvement in its global community. It will indeed require a determined effort. A shortage of resources still remains a universal problem. However we must not shirk our responsibilities, and must ensure we must maximise any beneficial opportunity that arises.

Finance is limited yet global resources are extensive

We have limited resources available in monetary terms yet we have vast resources in terms of technical, administrative and professional expertise throughout our global bowls community. It is the intention of World Bowls to ‘pump prime’, and coordinate, a concerted effort to channel some of these resources into initiatives which will benefit the development of our sport worldwide. It will require radical and lateral thinking. It will require massive cooperation from many key stakeholders and individuals and a pivotal role for the Regional Directors.

World Bowls determined to rise to the challenge.

These are challenging times but many of the world’s national authorities are desperate for assistance to develop our sport. Doing nothing is not an option. The Board and officers of World Bowls are united in their determination to respond to this challenge. I sincerely hope that the production and implementation of our Development Strategy can lead us into an era of cooperation and achievement where we can all be proud to be part of our World Governing Body.

John Bell
World Bowls
22 June 2015