The TUE Application form should be completed by:

  • International Level Athletes due to compete in an International Event
  • Elite Athletes in the World Bowls registered International Testing Pool (as advised to World Bowls by the relevant National Authorities)

Where an athlete is due to appear in an International event and wishes to make application for a TUE in respect of prescribed medication involving a Banned Substance or Method on the current WADA Prohibited List, such application should preferably be submitted at least one month prior to appearance in the event and certainly no later than 21 days prior to the commencement of the event.

Please note that World Bowls will not be responsible for advising athletes on any medical conditions and whether such medication includes Substances or Methods included on the WADA Banned List of Prohibited Substances and Methods. All such investigations are the responsibility of the athlete in consultation with their own medical pratitioners/consultants. International Level Athletes may also wish to consult their National Authority in confidence to determine the requirements in relation to submitting a TUE application to World Bowls.

All TUE applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Please note that the application should be accompanied by a fee of £50. Cheques should be drawn on a UK bank and made payable to World Bowls.

Payment may also be made by bank transfer as follows:-
Account name: World Bowls
Bank: Bank of Scotland, 600 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 3XP.
Bank Code No: 80 22 60
IBAN: GB57 BOFS 8022 6001 9228 43
Account No: 01922843 BIC: BOFSGBS1SDP

Please download, complete and return your TUE Application form in full. Forms will be returned if not fully complete.
