Guidelines for Markers

Running / Firing Bowls
Move to the front of the head when a running bowl is delivered – you will be in a much better position to see if the bowl becomes a toucher and to avoid moving objects if you do so.
Whenever possible make neighbouring rinks aware of any imminent running / firing shot and ask them to help contain bowls if necessary.
Be aware of play on neighbouring rinks. You must stop a bowl or any other neutral object from a neighbouring rink that is likely to disturb the head on your rink.
Never move a bowl except for a bowl declared dead – dead bowls must be removed before the next bowl is delivered.
Do not engage in conversation with the players unless they want you to.
Do not stop or catch bowls which are about to enter the ditch – even if it looks as though they may disturb another bowl or jack already in the ditch. Let them fall – making sure that you know the position of any bowl or jack that would need replacing if it were to be moved.

Under no circumstances should you move a bowl at the completion (real or perceived) of an end.
Keep out of the head whilst the participants decide the result. (The players must agree on the result.)
If you are asked to measure for shot, make sure that you know which bowls you are being asked to measure and ask the players to remove all bowls not in contention where practicable. Don’t measure unless asked to do so by both players.
Have wedges to hand if there is a leaning bowl that may require to be measured. Use the wedges where appropriate before measuring – remembering that 30 seconds may elapse from the time the last bowl of the end came to rest if one of the players requests it.
If a measure is too close for a box string measure or you cannot decide the shot, call for the umpire.
Point to the bowl you believe is shot after completing your measure. Do not move it as the players may want to call for an umpire for confirmation.
If you need to call for an umpire, try to make them aware of what equipment will be needed. Give the umpire as much information as possible – for example, about the number of shots already conceded and what has to be measured.
Make sure the players are aware of the score throughout the game. You must tell the players the running score at the completion of each end (if scoreboards are not being used).

Basic Skills: Dealing with Running Bowls

Basic Skills: Measuring Disputed Shots

Basic Skills: Dealing with Players Questions

Basic Skills: Interacting with Players

Time Management
Markers’ use of their time can make a big difference to the way a game is played and to the overall way in which the markers’ actions are perceived by players and spectators. For example, a marker who is either constantly rushing around or holding up players whilst writing the score card or turning over the scoreboard can adversely affect a player’s concentration.
Practice a routine that you can use in every game you mark. You will soon appreciate that there is no need to rush around and your confidence to deal with the unexpected will improve.
Typical time management techniques include the best time to complete the score card and your position on the rink as the players agree the shots.

Other techniques include:

  • moving to the front of the head to wait for the players to decide the result of the end
  • entering on the score card only the score for winner of the end when it is agreed by the players and completing the remainder of the scores after you have centred the jack for the next end.

When the last bowl in an end has come to rest:

  • remove any jack or bowl indicators from the bank
  • move to the front of the head to wait for the players to decide the result of the end.

When the players have decided the result of the end:

  • confirm with the players the number of shots scored and by whom
  • tell the players the running totals of the scores (if scoreboards are not being used)
  • walk quickly to the other end (displaying lollipops if required)
  • remove from the green the mat used in the previous end.

At the start of the next end:

  • check that the mat has been properly positioned
  • centre the jack
  • as the first bowl is on its way up the green, update the score card and check that the scoreboard is correct.