First Choice Equipment
The Boundary String
The boundary string is a length of string on a reel. It is suitable for deciding whether a jack or bowl is within the boundaries of the rink of play.
Jack or bowl on the green
When using a boundary string:
- Make sure you follow the Common Procedures for conducting a measure described earlier.
- Ask one assistant to take the loose end of the string to the far end of the rink away from the decision.
- Ask them to place the string on the top of the bank and in line with the centre of the rink boundary peg.
- Ask another assistant to take the other end of the string to the opposite end of the rink and, keeping it taught, place it on the top of the bank and in line with the centre of the boundary peg.
- Make sure that at no time does the string come into contact with the bowl or jack – by holding it above the object.
- Look down over the bowl or jack to see if you can make a decision.
- If not, ask the assistant nearest to you to slowly move the string down the centre line of the boundary peg and stop when the string is just above the bowl or jack.
- Determine if the bowl or jack is live or dead by looking down over it.
- If you still cannot decide by looking down, slide a square up to the bowl or jack from the side of the rink of play until it just touches either the string or the jack or bowl, then make the decision.
- Quickly re-wind the string as you move from the rink.
Jack or bowl in the ditch
When using a boundary string:
- Make sure you follow the Common Procedures for conducting a measure described earlier.
- Place a boundary string on the banks as described above.
- If you cannot determine the result by looking down from above the jack or bowl, then use a square.
- Place a square against the jack or bowl making sure that it is level.
- Determine if the jack or bowl is live using the square and the boundary string.
How to use a Boundary String
Rink Boundary Pegs

Examples of Boundary Strings